Urban Landscape Photo Series. Communicating a sustainable narrative through art. - May 2022 - Sorrento Victoria Australia
Published - Individual image in Verandah Journal Issue 37.
Exhibited - Red Hill Art Show 2023. Moonee Valley Art Show 2023. Brunswick Street Gallery 2023. Northern Beaches Environment and Art Prize Manly Gallery 2023. Brisbane Rotary Show 2023. Du Rietz Art Award 2023.
Awards - Landscape Photo Awards 2023 Individual images. Highly Commended and Commended. Second Prize at Moonee Valley Art Show
This photo essay was shot over several days whilst I was an artist in residence. I was captivated by the colours, especially after the rain. The puddles reflect repeating patterns, amplifying a need to understand why I thought this was beautiful. Wonderland or wasteland? On deeper inspection, a broad overarching narrative speaks directly to sustainability. The bread trays, kegs and milk crate are all multi-use, confirming that some decisions we make are good.
And then there is the monoblock chair, an item that has attained global ubiquity as both positive and negative for its cultural impact. Once banned in Switzerland for its ugliness, and also lauded as an indestructible outdoor furnishing. It calls to question the time scale and relationship between organic and inorganic materials and the decisions we make as consumers.
I returned to this site several times. The arrangement of objects is always slightly different, the geometry gravitating.

Passata Photo Essay - March 2022 - Melbourne
A series of fifty photos.
Award - Mono Photo Competition 2022. Several photos Commended in the portrait category.
It was a privilege to shoot this photo essay. It would be easy to confirm that the annual tradition of making tomato sauce for this family is embedded in prompts of process and roles so clearly defined they take on a religiosity. But it is not about this alone; it is also about a deep sense of benevolence within a man strongly connected to humanity and the importance of family.

Artist in residence - February 2020 - Police Point Portsea.
A series of four hundred polaroids.
Finalist - Premier's Design Awards 2021.
Published - A number of the essay photos have been published in hardcopy by Beyond Words Magazine.
Exhibition - DRIFT Arts Festival group exhibition. Mornington Penisula Shire Council Arts and Culture.
This essay portrays the history of Quarantine Station and acknowledges the military occupation of the surrounding land. This land also has a deep history of the Bunurong first nations people. Whilst there, I felt the collective weight of these stories, as though a tome that time could not surpass.