Our hearts hold memories.
I reflect on this every time I pick up a camera. Images are closely related to memory, influencing how we recall places and people. When I take a photo, I hold time still for the length of the shutter speed. I am also immortalising the mind’s ability to reimagine. Sometimes I worry, particularly with portraiture, concerned I am stealing something. A fleeting glance, gentle kiss, awkwardness. Am I fumbling? Did I see you?
Photos are also about freedom and are open to interpretation; they are contextual and can be moulded into the truth we need to believe.
My photographic work is concerned with themes of beauty and nostalgia. I am interested in both traditional and modern narratives of beauty. Classic beauty is bound by objective values of goodness, truth and justice, and modern beauty is subjective and less concerned with boundaries. My mind often contemplates this disparate conundrum between objectivity and subjectivity in the battle for what it is to be beautiful. If everything can be beautiful, then does beauty become meaningless?
I publish both locally and internationally in architecture and literature magazines. I enjoy the anonymity of print, an image seen solely by the intended audience. This work includes, but is not limited to, portraiture, landscape and still life. I also write for magazines. I have recently started exhibiting work as a fine art photographer. I have been a finalist in many prominent award lists.
Highly Commended Mono Photo Awards Portrait
Commended Mono Photo Awards Landscape
Omnia Art Show Finalist - Orquevaux 3 works.
Best Photograph 2nd Prize Moonee Valley Art Show
Top 30 The Landscape Awards - Sustainable Scene
Highly Commended Mono Photo Awards People Portrait
Commended Mono Photo Awards (2 Images) Places
Highly Commended The Landscape Awards - Literary Pond
Commended The Landscape Awards - The Pond
Commended The Landscape Awards - Snow Beneath the Mistletoe
Commended The Landscape Awards - Urban Jungle
Commended The Landscape Awards - Iconic Australiana
Commended Mono Photo Awards - Places - W Hotel
Commended Mono Photo Awards - Portrait - Passata Day
Commended Mono Photo Awards - Portrait - Madre’s Mop
Commended Mono Photo Awards - Portrait - Deli Day
Shortlisted World Architecture News - Female Frontier Awards
Finalist Premier’s Design Awards - Communication - Photo Essay
Highly Commended Mono Photo Awards - Portrait - Diaphanous
Finalist The Design Files Awards Collaboration Poodle Bar with Bergman and Co.
Small Works Prize Brunswick Street Gallery Oil Painting Girl
Environmental Art Prize Manly Art Gallery (finalist August)
Du Rietz Art Award (finalist July)
Brisbane Rotary Art Show
Brunswick Street Gallery Fifty Squared Art Prize
Red Hill Art Show Group
Omnia Art Prize (3 works shortlisted)
Moonee Valley Art Show Group
Lethbridge Small Scale Art - Salon des refuses (online) 3 oil.
Group Exhibition Retrospective - DRIFT ARTS FESTIVAL
Group Exhibition -Inside out with JR- Photo Festival Australia